Class REXML::Comment
In: temp/comment.rb
Parent: Child

Represents an XML comment; that is, text between <!— … —>


<=>   ==   clone   new   node_type   write  

Included Modules



START = "<!--"
STOP = "-->"

External Aliases

string -> to_s


string  [RW]  The content text

Public Class methods

Constructor. The first argument can be one of three types: @param first If String, the contents of this comment are set to the argument. If Comment, the argument is duplicated. If Source, the argument is scanned for a comment. @param second If the first argument is a Source, this argument should be nil, not supplied, or a Parent to be set as the parent of this object

Public Instance methods

Compares this Comment to another; the contents of the comment are used in the comparison.

Compares this Comment to another; the contents of the comment are used in the comparison.


See REXML::Formatters

output:Where to write the string
indent:An integer. If -1, no indenting will be used; otherwise, the indentation will be this number of spaces, and children will be indented an additional amount.
transitive:Ignored by this class. The contents of comments are never modified.
ie_hack:Needed for conformity to the child API, but not used by this class.
