Class REXML::Parent
In: temp/parent.rb
Parent: Child

A parent has children, and has methods for accessing them. The Parent class is never encountered except as the superclass for some other object.


<<   []   []=   add   children   deep_clone   delete   delete_at   delete_if   each   each_child   each_index   index   insert_after   insert_before   length   new   parent?   push   replace_child   size   to_a   unshift  

Included Modules


Public Class methods

Constructor @param parent if supplied, will be set as the parent of this object

Public Instance methods

<<( object )

Alias for push

Fetches a child at a given index @param index the Integer index of the child to fetch

Set an index entry. See Array.[]= @param index the index of the element to set @param opt either the object to set, or an Integer length @param child if opt is an Integer, this is the child to set @return the parent (self)


Alias for to_a

Deeply clones this object. This creates a complete duplicate of this Parent, including all descendants.


Alias for each

Fetches the index of a given child @param child the child to get the index of @return the index of the child, or nil if the object is not a child of this parent.

Inserts an child after another child @param child1 this is either an xpath or an Element. If an Element, child2 will be inserted after child1 in the child list of the parent. If an xpath, child2 will be inserted after the first child to match the xpath. @param child2 the child to insert @return the parent (self)

Inserts an child before another child @param child1 this is either an xpath or an Element. If an Element, child2 will be inserted before child1 in the child list of the parent. If an xpath, child2 will be inserted before the first child to match the xpath. @param child2 the child to insert @return the parent (self)


Alias for size

push( object )

Alias for add

Replaces one child with another, making sure the nodelist is correct @param to_replace the child to replace (must be a Child) @param replacement the child to insert into the nodelist (must be a Child)

@return the number of children of this parent
